5 Body Parts You Can Use Natural Deodorant to Stop the Smell
Jul 21, 2021

5 Body Parts You Can Use Natural Deodorant to Stop the Smell

Ever notice a little funk in places that cause you a lot of embarrassment such as in your cleavage, stomach rolls, or your stinky feet that never smell fresh?

It is very common to sweat in places you don't imagine such as your groin and you may also notice that groin sweat smells different too than in other areas of your body. And it does in fact because your sweat glands ARE different in terms of the secretions they emit as you sweat.

And remember it is the sweat that contains bacteria that causes the body odour. It doesn't mean you are a stinky person but certainly some people seem to barely sweat at all while others sweat profusely.

There are many places you can safely use natural deodorant to keep odour away. This blog explores and explains our top five places you can use natural deodorant safely and confidently.Β 

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