What Defines Beauty?

natural beauty

Is it someone's smile? Their eyes? Their skin? Their body? Their spirit? 


The saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and I truly believe that is the truth. There is no one definition of what beauty is. We can all look at the same supermodel or actress/actor and have an opinion on whether they truly are the "sexiest" or the "prettiest".  The truth is that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, all colours, all ages, and breaks all stereotypes that beauty magazines and so called "experts" put out there.  


On the flip side, what can undermine someone's beauty? Definitely their attitude, behaviours and actions.  Tell me you haven't met someone who you (and most people) would define as beautiful, only to discover their personality as being disingenuous or their behaviours to not match up with your (or societal) values, thus making them far less attractive or beautiful once you scratch below the surface.  


Since starting this natural personal product company, Clean Kiss Organics, I even have a hard time defining what it is I do and produce. Is it a natural beauty company? Is it a health & wellness product company? Is it both? I would like to think it is both. I sometimes hesitate when I go to explain it..."I make natural products for your face, body, hair and home to help people find more health and wellness in their lives without chemicals" is my usual line.  But it's so much more than that. If a woman or man uses my products and feels more beautiful then it not only helps their outer natural beauty (quality of their skin, less wrinkles, brighter complexion, better curls, smell better) but it also helps their mental health and self-confidence.  So, isn't that really what makes someone beautiful after all? I am going to be changing my elevator pitch to "I help inspire confidence, beauty and health naturally".      


Personally I define beauty as someone with a kind heart, who radiates energy and selflessness, who is self aware and emotionally intelligent, and genuinely cares about others and the world around them.  Does it matter if they are overweight or have acne or wrinkles or cellulite or grey hair? Not at all. It matters if they are a good person with good intentions. 


So here is a challenge for you today. Find someone who inspires you and embodies true beauty. To you. By your definition. And when you pick your person, tell them so.  What a difference you will make in their day and possibly their life. That is beauty. 


Now that you've read this blog, want to know more about Clean Kiss Organics?

We create 100% Natural and Organic, Canadian artisan handcrafted products that are simple and pure for your body, face, hair and home. Our specialty is anti-aging premium skincare, all natural deodorant, and products for curly hair.  

We are 100% Vegan, GMO free, Gluten Free (and free of all unnecessary garbage!) and Leaping Bunny Certified (meaning we never test on animals and neither do our suppliers).  We also proudly give a portion of our sales to help homeless women and their children to get back on track with housing, education, and financial support. 

Check us out! 


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