Time to slough away all that dead wintery skin ladies and gents. This is the time we are all bearing our bods in bikinis, shorts, sundresses and tank tops in search of the golden glow and sun-kissed look.  Exfoliation is so key to this whole routine yet so many of us forget this important step to healthy looking skin. Before you go out and expose yourself, a few little additions to your beauty routine can leave you looking more youthful and healthier than ever.

Let's start with our gorgeous faces...and this applies to both men and women!
The delicate skin on our face has two main cycles in a 24 hour span. Rejuvenation in the morning and restoration in the evening.   In order to help these important processes to work effectively you can start by exfoliating your face in the morning 2-3 times a week (I have been exfoliating my face regularly for the past 6 months with my lemon sugar face scrub in the shower and can really see a big difference - brighter skin and less wrinkles!).  Many of us think that exfoliating at night is best to remove makeup and dirt from daytime, but in reality you need to treat your face very gently at night to let it rest and restore before bedtime. Simply apply a daytime moisturizer with spf and then your makeup after exfoliation and you are ready for the day.

For nightime, treat your skin with a gentle cleanser and makeup remover. You can use coconut oil to remove eye makeup with a cotton pad as it works wonders (and no it won't make you breakout!). After cleansing I like to use a facial serum of essential oils (lavender, frankincense, apricot kernel oil and other yummy oils...Facial Serum soon to be available for sale by Clean Kiss) to bring calm and serenity to my hard working skin while I sleep.  

And now for the rest of our bodies...
Whether you are going on a trip or just planning to bear your sexy legs and body this summer you need to exfoliate before you take those layers off. You can try a bath mitt, glove or loofah with your body cleanser or a body polish. You can also try dry brushing every day before you shower to get your lymphatic system activated and healthy (lots on this topic on pinterest if interested to learn more).  Exfoliate two or three times a week in a gentle circular motion. For best results you want to lock in moisture after you've exfoliated with a product that contains coconut or jojoba oil or shea butter because they provide lasting hydration. 

Finally and equally importantly, make sure you are using a high quality and organic sunscreen.  I recently tested many organic products and found some worked better than others. I am a huge fan of the book"There's Lead in Your Lipstick" by Gillian Deacon and I used her recommendations to go shopping at my favourite organic shop.  If you have found a good one and want to share please reply to this post with your recommendation. And don't forget your lips too with a good quality lip balm with spf!

Happy Summer Exfoliating folks!

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