Why My Laundry Obsession is a Metaphor For Life: With 2020 Eco Updates
Dec 23, 2020

Why My Laundry Obsession is a Metaphor For Life: With 2020 Eco Updates

My laundry rituals have certainly changed though over the years and have made the most radical changes since this blog post was first published in 2016 (this is a late 2020 update, almost 2021) with lots of healthier, eco-friendly and sustainable laundry ritual ideas for you to adopt. 

I care even moreso about the quality of my laundry, in a healthy non-toxic way, now in 2020. I will not use toxic chemicals in my laundry room nor in my house anywhere. I have switched to fragrance-free, natural detergent (because the word "fragrance" can be used as a catch all for 10,000 chemicals that manufacturing companies do not need to disclose to you, the consumer).

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Sweat is a good thing, sweety
Sep 25, 2016

Sweat is a good thing, sweety

Today we are talking about one of my favourite topics - sweat and why it's a good thing. My top...
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The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry
Feb 26, 2016

The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry

There are few things better than opening the dryer to clean, warm, fresh-smelling laundry. I don't know if it's the satisfaction of crossing one item off the old "to-do list" or whether it's the refreshing scent that pours out of the dryer as you unload the clothes into the laundry basket. It just feels to fresh and pure. So satisfying.
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