How I Healed my Hormonal Acne with Plant Based Skincare
Nov 04, 2016

How I Healed my Hormonal Acne with Plant Based Skincare

I am in my mid forties and for god's sake I really thought that all my pimples and acne issues...
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"Show Me A Woman Who Isn't Overwhelmed"
Oct 02, 2016

"Show Me A Woman Who Isn't Overwhelmed"

Β  While recently watching my favourite binge-watching pastime, The Good Wife, I had to write down this quote from one...
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Sweat is a good thing, sweety
Sep 25, 2016

Sweat is a good thing, sweety

Today we are talking about one of my favourite topics - sweat and why it's a good thing. My top...
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The Great Immunization Debate
Sep 11, 2016

The Great Immunization Debate

My twin daughters are nearing the age of receiving the HPV vaccine in school this year, provided for free by...
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Good Mama Choices: French fries, Candy & Sanity
Sep 05, 2016

Good Mama Choices: French fries, Candy & Sanity

As a mother of three daughters: a soon to be 16 year old and 12 year old twins, my every...
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The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry
Feb 26, 2016

The Best "DIY Dryer Sheets" For The Cleanest, Freshest Laundry

There are few things better than opening the dryer to clean, warm, fresh-smelling laundry. I don't know if it's the satisfaction of crossing one item off the old "to-do list" or whether it's the refreshing scent that pours out of the dryer as you unload the clothes into the laundry basket. It just feels to fresh and pure. So satisfying.
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5 times you should reach for these natural ingredients, for the sake of your hair.
Feb 09, 2016

5 times you should reach for these natural ingredients, for the sake of your hair.

There are so many things we put in and on our bodies these days. Whether you're sticking with the mainstream...
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